15 March 2023

Review of Twist of Fate by D.L.Mark


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Today we are taking part in the Random Things blog tour for Twist of Fate by D.L.Mark. We received a copy of this book as part of the tour.

Set in the Fens, that area of England steeped in myth and legend, D.L.Mark leads us into an extraordinary adventure encompassing the present and the past.

In the hamlet of Little Mercy Cambridgeshire, stands a dilapitated church with a gloomy history of extreme martydom. From the steeple, many years ago, a young theology student, Jethro, launches to the ground but survives with a life-changing head injury. Thirty years later this church, St Wendreth, is the trysting place for Marguerite and Sam on whom tragedy also falls.

When, one afternoon, successful London businesswoman Claudine is on her way out of her grand office building, she is confronted by her troubled brother Jethro who she thought was at their hitherto family home, a small cottage near Little Mercy. Seconds later Jethro is the final victim to be stabbed to death by a crazed homeless man covered in scars.

Claudine is shocked. What reason had this man to kill? Claudine travels to Little Mercy to unravel the mystery. There she is plunged into a dark world of  medieval religious beliefs, medicines and medieval cults. Hounded by a suspicious but troubled detective Billy Dean and his partner Helen Savage, Claudine stays with Jethro`s erstwhile neighbours’ Peg and Everitt in the village. Suspicion is everywhere and death is never far away.

D.L.Mark summons the dark history of the Fens, giving it a truly eerie atmosphere that, combined with the story itself, makes the book unputdownable.

A compulsive read.

 5 stars.

Reviewed by Liz