09 March 2023

Review of Within You Without You by Sara O'Donovan


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Today I am taking part in the Random Things blog tour for Within You Without You by Sara O’Donovan.

It’s 2012 and Kathryn feels that her life has hit a standstill. She is living comfortably with her husband Mark and family in Ireland, but there is a spark missing.

When she goes back home to England to stay with her mother, she is shocked to see a face from the past at the side of the road. It’s been twenty years since they last saw this person and how can they be here since they died two decades ago?

I enjoyed reading this book and seeing the path that Kathryn’s life took. It has a steady pace as you learn about Kathryn’s youth and first love Ed and how she got together with Mark.

I really liked Kathryn as a character and felt for her. It was interesting to see the life she ended up having instead of what she imagined twenty years earlier. I will look out for more books by this author.