18 July 2023

Review of I'm Not Afraid by Ellen Nancy and Roxanne Reid



Today is my stop on the Love Book Tours blog tour for I’m Not Afraid by Ellen Nancy and Roxanne Reid.


One evening, Herbie the hedgehog found himself a long way from home on the

other side of the deep, dark forest.  As the evening starts to fade into night, Herbie discovers there is a lot to be afraid of.  

Can he overcome his fears and bravely find his way home to his cosy, little den?

My review:

This is such a lovely book. I read this multiple times with my son who was fascinated by Herbie. We have a hedgehog living in our garden, so this book gave him lots of questions.

As Herbie makes his way home, it starts getting dark and lots of spooky things appear. Herbie knows his way, but everything looks and sounds different at night. Herbie needs to be brave to get home safely.

This is beautifully illustrated, we loved the colours used and our favourite picture was when Herbie was tucked up in his bed.

Overall this is a lovely book about overcoming fears.


Thank you to Love Book Tours for including me on the tour. Check out the banner below to follow the other stops on the tour.