09 November 2023

Review of Solstice by Helen Steadman


Today is my stop on the Random Things blog tour for Solstice by Helen Steadman.

This is the third book in the Widdershins trilogy. 

A new vicar has arrived in the parish of Mutton Clog and suddenly the village finds itself under suspicion.

The vicar has come from Ely and is alarmed by what he finds in the new parish.

Soon people start turning on Rose, a shepherdess whose ancestors were put to death by a witch hunter over 25 years earlier. 

Rose cannot believe that a witch hunter is back and must prove her innocence, but this is a time when anything different is seen a suspicious.

Can Rose protect herself or will she suffer the same fate as those before her?

I thought this was a powerful and unputdownable read. The author has really brought this era of witch hunts and persecution to life.
Thank you to Random Things Tours for including me. Check out the banner below to follow the other stops on the tour.