13 May 2022

Review of A Midlife Holiday by Cary J Hansson


I am very excited to be kicking off the Random Things blog tour for A Midlife Holiday today. I received a copy of this book as part of the blog tour.

It’s Helen Winters’ fiftieth birthday, but things aren’t quite going to plan. Her husband is away climbing Everest and is furious that she missed his call because she was buying milk in Asda. Whilst her two older children have not done much to celebrate with her. When her glamorous friend Caro buys her a Cheese Melter for her birthday it is the tip of the iceberg and Helen can’t help but feel depressed about the years to come and the chances she didn’t take in the past.

With this in mind, and totally out of character, she books a holiday to Cyprus with two of her closest friends Caro and Kay. It starts off as the perfect holiday – sunshine and some attention from handsome men. However, when Helen finds out that her friend has an ulterior motive for being in Cyprus their friendship becomes at risk.

Will this holiday be enough for Helen to find out who she truly is?

This is such a fun book that I highly recommend. I felt like I was away on holiday sitting by the pool whilst reading this, as the setting is so vividly portrayed. It also brings awareness to the sacrifices that women often make in life that sometimes get forgotten about.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this and I am so glad that this is the first book in a trilogy, as I can’t wait to read what happens next.

4 stars