13 May 2022

Review of The Attic Child by Lola Jaye


I am thrilled to be taking part in the Random Things blog tour for The Attic Child today. I received a copy of this book as part of the blog tour.

Dikembe and Lowra are born almost one hundred years apart, but both end up in somewhat similar circumstances living in the same attic space.

In 1905 Dikembe is taken from Africa to England where he lives in the attic of a house by the sea. In his dreams, he sees his homeland, but slowly as time goes by the images fade and he evens wonders if he can truly remember what his mother looks like.

Over seventy years later, Lowra a young orphan girl ends up living in the same attic and find an old doll, a bone necklace and a phrase written on the wall in an unrecognisable language. She begins to wonder who else may have lived in the same room many years ago.

This is a story of a young boy taken from his homeland and treated like a trophy and a young woman, herself someone who feels lost is society, who sets out to discover who he was and how he came to be in England.

This book is a dual timeline and moves between the early 1900s and 1993 when Lowra is living in London. I loved this aspect as you feel like you get to know both characters very well.

This is a beautifully written and powerful novel. It is moving and heart breaking and sweeps you back over a century in time and highlights the harsh injustices dealt by society.

I found it be such a gripping read that I couldn’t put it down.

I highly recommend this book.

5 stars