10 May 2022

Review of Through a Vet's Eyes by Dr Sean Wennsley


I am delighted to be taking part in the Random Things blog tour today for Through A Vet’s Eyes. I received a copy of this book as part of the bog tour.

Through A Vet’s Eyes is written by award winning vet Sean Wennsley who has devoted his life to animals.

It covers his years training as a vet and gives information on the background of qualifying as a vet. I found this to be really interesting, especially the research that students need to do.

The book goes on to look at different types of animal welfare and the way in which they are often used for the benefit of humans. It also looks at the way that animals are seen in society today and how we relate to them.

It is beautifully written and acts as part memoir. I would definitely like to read more by this author.

This is a fascinating and insightful account into the way in which humans and animals interact. It is certainly an eye-opener and as an animal lover, I found it very interesting to read and would recommend to others.