09 May 2022

Review of One Good Thing by Alexandra Potter


I am thrilled to be taking part in the Random Things blog tour for One Good Thing today. I received a copy of this book as part of the blog tour.

Liv’s life as she knows it has fallen apart. Her husband has left her and after selling their London home through their divorce, she has decided to give up her job as a school teacher and relocate to the countryside in the Yorkshire Dales. Then, she even surprises herself by getting a rescue dog whom she names Harry.

Both Liv and her friends can’t really believe she has done this, but soon both Liv and Harry start making friends with the local residents including Valentine an elderly man who is feeling lonely and a young boy called Stanley and teenage Maya who feels like the world is against her. Soon, they all begin to realise that just life not going completely to plan go to plan, isn’t always a bad thing.

I loved the setting of the Yorkshire Dales and all of the descriptions of Liv doing up her new cottage. My favourite character has to be the lovely rescue dog Harry, I love dogs and he just sounds so cute.

This book covers a lot of difficult subjects including grief, dementia and divorce, but it is so uplifting and wonderful to read that I didn’t want it to end. It is a real feel-good book.

It is also the first book that I have read by this author and I can’t wait to read more now.

5 stars