12 June 2022

Review of Just For Today by Nell Hudson


I am so excited to be taking part in the Random Things blog tour for Just For Today. I received a copy of his book as part of the blog tour.

For Joni and her friends, life seems to be one long party and New Year’s Eve is the pinnacle of them all. As they all arrive for the party, thigs seem to be going the normal way, but by the morning their lives will have taken a dramatic turn and will never be the same again.

The following year, sees them carrying on the party between London and Cornwall and elsewhere. It seems never-ending and their biggest concern seems to be not when it ends but how. After all the party has to end sometime. Relationships and made and broken, as they begin to traverse the next path in their life.

I loved following the lives of Joni, Dyl, Henry and their friends. This book is so well written that I was absorbed and felt like I had just fallen into their lives.

This is a gripping, addictive and, in places, a dark story that covers serious issues including drugs, grief and suicide.

5 stars