09 June 2022

Review of The Mayfair Bookshop by Eliza Knight


I am so excited to be taking part in the Random Things blog tour for The Mayfair Bookshop today. I received a copy of this book as part of the blog tour.

In 1938 Nancy Mitford is concerned for the future of Europe, especially as her two sisters are Nazi sympathisers. There are also many things going on in her personal life with her husband who is unfaithful and spending beyond their means and she has recently discovered that she will not be able to have children. When she takes a job at he Heywood Hill bookshop in Mayfair, it seems a good way to make ends meet, but little does she realise that it will change her life forever.

In the present day, Lucy St Clair is book curator who has recently lost her mother. When she finds out that she has gained a placement working at the Heywood Hill bookshop, she jumps on a plane to get to London. As well as the work, Lucy has a personal mission and brings a first edition of Nancy’s book with an unusual inscription inside. Lucy is determined to find out who the mystery Iris is, but before long her life becomes intertwined with both Nancy and the bookshop.

I have always been fascinated by the Mitford sisters and have read many books about them, I have also read all of Nancy Mitford’s books. This book brings Nancy and the Mitford family to life and is such an amazing novel.

I really enjoyed the way in which the chapters alternate between the 1930s and present day, it gives such a great feel for both sides of the story.

This is a must read if you ‘re a fan of historical fiction – I loved it!

5 stars