22 November 2022

Review of The Cruise by Catherine Cooper


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Today I am taking part in the random things blog tour for The Cruise by Catherine Cooper. I received a copy of this book as part of the tour.

Lola is working as a dancer on an exclusive cruise ship. During a party on New Years Eve she goes missing and some guests in the champagne bar are certain that they saw someone fall overboard.

Although the ship turns back, Lola is missing presumed dead. Once all of the guests finish the cruise, the ship goes out of service with only a skeleton crew left onboard.

However, it’s not long before another crew member goes missing and then another.

Why is someone harming the crew and who could it be since no one else can get on and off the ship?

This book took a direction I had not been expecting at all and is filled with shocking twists and turns. I loved the short punchy chapters as I found I couldn’t put it down.

I really enjoyed reading this and it is definitely one of my favourite thrillers this year. 
