11 November 2022

Review of One Woman's War by Christine Wells


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Today I am taking part in the Random Things blog tour for One Woman’s War by Christine Wells. I received a copy of this book as part of the tour.

WWII fiction is one of my favourite genres and I loved the sound of this book.

Victoire ‘Paddy’ Bennett is offered a job in Admirality Room 39, which is home to the Naval Intelligence Division. She expects to be given a secretarial position, but soon finds herself at the heart of a daring plot derived by Commander Ian Fleming.

If the plot worked it may change the course of the war and save thousands of lives. However, by becoming deeply involved newlywed Paddy risks both her own marriage and even her life.

At the same time, beautiful Austrian socialite Freidl Stottinger will do whatever it takes to stay safe in wartime England and becomes a spy for the British. However, many years before, she was pressured to spy for Germany in order to save her mother's life. When her British handler teams get up with a Serbian agent called Dusko Popov, she falls madly in love, but happiness will come at a cost and Freidl will be forced to make a decision that could see her executed or lead to the deaths of thousands.

As the war winds on through the forties, Paddy and Freidl’s lives will become dangerously interlinked as they bravely follow a path of deception that will culminate in one of the greatest battles on World War II.

 I thought that the two main characters were so brave and I was fascinated to read that Victoire Bennett was the real-life inspiration for James Bond’s Miss Moneypenny.

This is such a great read. I found that I felt wrapped up in Paddy and Freidl’s lives and could not put this down.

I highly recommend this, especially if you’re a fan of historical fiction.
