15 February 2023

Review of Hanging Out by Sheila Liming


Today I am taking part in the blog tour for Hanging Out by Sheila Liming. I received a proof copy of this book as part of the tour.

Hanging Out looks at how the digitisation of our everyday tasks has made us disengaged from society and social interactions. We talk to people by text, DM or voice note, but how often do we meet up in real life? In this book, the author tells us why we should be meeting up and hanging out with people more often.

I really enjoyed the book and found that it’s so topical for current times as we move forward from the Covid era. I found myself relating to many of the situations and realising that I had experienced some of them.

Normally when I read non fiction, I read at a slower pace than fiction and have to dip in and out of the book. However, with this book, I sailed through and felt like I was experiencing all of these events with the author.

Overall, this is a great read that is very topical for society today and I highly recommend it if you are looking for a non fiction read.