20 February 2023

Review of The Silence Project by Carole Hailey


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Today I am taking part in the random things blog tour for The Silence Project by Carole Hailey. I received a copy of this book as part of the tour.

Emilia will never forget her thirteenth birthday because it is the day that her mother left home and moved into a tent in the garden. 

From that day on, Emilia’s mother Rachel lives in a tent in the garden and stops speaking. Soon people begin to hear about her and as word spreads, more and more people want to join in with her silence.

It seems like a peaceful existence and over the years Rachel amasses thousands of followers around the works, but then eight years later Rachel and many of her followers burn themselves to death.

Afterwards, it becomes known as The Event and people write books and study what happened.

Emilia decides to write her own book and calls it The Silence Project. It enables her to have her own voice about her mothers actions for the very first time.

This is a book unlike anything I have read before. It’s compelling, addictive and completely shocking in places. I felt really sorry for Emilia growing up and understood why she would want to write her book as an adult.

The Silence Project is an astonishing debut and I am looking forward to reading Carole Haileys next book.