17 March 2023

Review of Gin Palace by Tracy Whitwell


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I am really excited to be taking part in the Random Things blog tour for Gin Palace by Tracy Whitwell today.

Tanz is an actress and also an accidental medium - she learned by chance that she can communicate with the dead and this has made her life very interesting indeed.

However, after an incident trying to solve a murder where her own life ended up at risk, Tanz is determined to ignore the voices and get on with her life.

The dead, however, don’t seem so keen on that and when Tanz heads back to her home town of Newcastle, she is drawn back to the spirit world. The problem is that this time the danger lurks much closer to home.

I really enjoyed this book, Tanz is such a great character and there are a lot of laugh out loud moments, as well as some spooky ones, in this book.

This is the second book in the series and I can’t wait to read more from this author.