11 May 2023

Review of The Medici Murders by David Hewson


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Today is our stop on the Random Things blog tour for The Medici Murders by David Hewson.

Have you ever been to Venice? The mysterious city of many layers, steeped in centuries of history and home to many artists and inventors of the Renaissance, redolent of the notorious Medici family who ruled during the era of the City States? No? Then take a voyage into David Hewson`s book and learn something of its majestic yet at times. cruel past.

 In 1548, Lorenzino de Medici, himself a perpetrator of murder, is assassinated by two hired killers on the Ponte San Toma. In the present day, Marmaduke Godolphin, ageing doyen of  TV and a once celebrated historian, is stabbed on the exact spot one dim and foggy night, his body being found found in the canal.

 Could the two murders possibly be linked, as the stiletto used to stab the Duke could be the same one as dispatched Lorenzino? Retired archivist and widower Arnold Clover is recruited by the Duke, along with a local archivist known for his flamboyance Luca Volpetti. Arnold was a Cambridge when the Duke and his select “Gilded Circle” of five students. He was a few years younger than they were and shyly admired them from afar.

Arnold and Luca have been tasked, as archivists, to delve in to the Wolff Bequest – boxes and boxes of ancient documents - sent to Duke Godolphin before his demise. The bequest promised a startling new discovery which would astonish the world and bring the duke universal fame.

 Capitano Valentina Fabbri of the Carabinieri, cousin of Luca, is in charge of investigating the most recent crime. This crime must be solved within twenty four hours. Can it be done? Will the outcome be as astonishing as the link between the two murders?

David Hewson`s writing has a rich style, incorporating historical facts of Venice`s past with knowledge of the famous painters whose works hang in various basilicas and museums in the city with the modern tourist sites. We are led through threading alleys to visit broad campos, famous buildings, palaces and always, the lagoon with its misty canals. All this intertwined with humour and descriptions of heavenly food. A truly uplifting and enjoyable read – a different type of murder mystery!

 5 Stars.

Reviewed by Liz.

Thank you to Random Things tours for including us. You can follow the other stops on the tour here: