07 July 2023

Review of The Unbreakable Heart of Oliva Denaro by Viola Ardone


Today is my stop on the Random Things blog tour for The Unbreakable Heart of Oliva Denaro by Viola Ardone.

Translated by Clarissa Botsford, this novel is based on a true story of one girl fighting the conventions of the time to have the right to decide her own future.

The book begins in Sicily just as Oliva is on the cusp of adulthood. Her life seems to be a long list of things that she must not do or people she must not be friends with.

As a result, she feels like she does not want to grow up and resists the changes the inevitable come with adulthood. However, grow up she must and actions make her choose to fight for her own independence and not just do what society expects women to do.

This is a powerful and beautifully written book that I flew through. I found myself transported to 1960s Siciliy on this coming of age journey with Oliva.

Thank you to Random Things Tours for including me. Check out the banner below to follow the other stops on the tour.