06 July 2023

Review of The Rule of Three by Sam Ripley



Today is our stop on the Random Things blog tour for The Rule of Three by Sam Ripley.

We have all said it – bad things happen in threes. The rule of three, in other words. But where did the saying originate from? Urban myth, legend or scientific truth? How do we find out?

Sam Riley follows three girls, Amy, Ila and Eve, who have successively lost family in tragic circumstances. Two catastrophes for each girl – is the third catastrophe going to be their deaths? Each have very different approaches to existence and to grief. Each recalls the rhyme  Don`t forget the Rule of Three – it`s coming for you like it came for me”. All three are terrified,

Amy begins a journal which is continued by Ila and read by Eve. Are the written reactions of the girls, who are convinced that the “rule” will come for each of them, the result of a skewed perception due to their respective losses or is everything that happens in life pre-ordained? What is the truth? Who is the real killer?

This is a book I highly recommend to readers, not only for its originality and intricacy of thought but for Sam Ripley`s delightful descriptions and demonic twist at the end. Definitely a story to give you nightmares...after all, the Rule of Three may well be coming for you, too!

Five Stars

Reviewed by Liz.

Thank you to Random Things Tours for including us. Check out the banner below to follow the other stops on the Tour.

About the Author

Sam Ripley is the fulltime author of the Victor series of thrillers, the standalone thriller A Knock at the Door, and two ebook novellas. ​He was previously a video editor, with credits including the Big Brother web site and motorsport DVDs, as well as scriptwriting.