05 August 2023

Review of The Vintage Dress Shop in Primrose Hill by Annie Darling



Today is my stop on the blog tour for The Vintage Dress Shop in Primrose Hill by Annie Darling.

Sophy Stevens needs a big change in her life. Just turned thirty and she has lost her job and been dumped by her boyfriend. When the grandparents she has never met offer her the opportunity to stay with them in Australia she jumps at it.

However, Sophy needs to earn some money first. The last person she expects to come to the rescue is her estranged Dad Johnno who offers her a job at his vintage clothes shop.

Then Sophy meets suave debonair Charles Radley who seems almost too good to be true. She begins to wonder if her fresh start might not need to be as far away as Australia after all.

I loved this book and I completely adored Sophy.

This had me wanting to go looking for vintage dresses and to find a flea market.

I took this picture at The American Bar at The Savoy  - I could imagine Charles taking Sophy there for a drink!

Thank you to Hodder for including me on the tour. Check out the banner below to follow the other stops on the tour.