03 August 2023

Review of Sigrid Rides by Travis Nelson



Today is my stop on the Random things blog tour for Sigrid Roses by Travis Nelson.

I love books about cats and couldn’t resist this one.

Travis and his partner moved to London from California in 2019 bringing their two cats with them. They all settled in to their new allude and had lots planned, but then covid struck and the lockdowns begun.

Soon the fresh start Travis had banked on fell away and he found himself without a job in an unfamiliar city.

However, as restrictions eased on leaving the house Travis began exploring London with Sigrid his deaf Norwegian Forest cat. It became a daily routine for then, but before they knew Travis and Sigrid became an internet sensation.

This is such a lovely and heart warming book. I would recommend to anyone who likes cats and enjoys reading about exploring London.

Thank you to Random Things Tours for including me. Check out the banner below to see the other stops on the tour.