06 November 2023

Review of Stranded! by Aevar Por Benediktsson and illustrated by Anne Wilson


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Today is my stop on the Literally PR blog tour for Stranded by Aevar Por Benediktsson and illustrated by Anne Wilson.

Stranded is the mostly true story of the author’s grandfather who visited the brand new island of Surtsey in Iceland, which was formed after a volcanic eruption. However, he ended up stranded there and it was so hot that his glasses melted!

The book is fascinating and as well as giving facts about volcanoes, it also includes information about Icelandic culture and history. The illustrations are fantastic and really bring the book, and myths and legends, to life.

We are hoping to go on holiday to Iceland in the next couple of years, so this was really interesting.

This is such a great book, both myself and my two children really enjoyed reading this. It is informative and written in a fun and engaging way.

Highly recommended for children and adults alike.

5 stars from my two children and I.

Thank you to Literally PR for including us on the tour.

Check out the banner below to follow the other stops on the tour.