06 November 2023

Review of The Wolf by Samuel Bjork


Today is our stop on the Random Things blog tour for The Wolf by Samuel Bjork. 

Holger Munch is a happy man. He has just been appointed head of a brand new police unit investigating serious crime in Oslo. So far he has gathered a small team of specialists – Frederik Riis, Anette Goli, lawyer, steady and reliable Ludwig Gronlie and Polish-born. investigator Anja Belichet, IT  wizard.

Almost too quickly after the team has been assembled, their first case appears. Two pre-teen boys have been found in a field near the capital, carefully arranged in the open with a dead fox between them. Is this a case of copy-cat from an unsolved case eight years ago in Sweden, when a similar pair of boys was found with a white hare placed between them, or is it the same perpetrator?

New police academy recruit Mia Kruger is desperate to find her missing twin Sigrid and is dividing her time looking for her and concentrating on her studies. She has come to the attention of the academy`s principal, Magnar Yttre, for her uncanny gift of accurately interpreting evidence and her dogged determination to achieve her goals. She is recommended to Munch, who, along with the rest of the team, are sceptical of her talent at first, but soon settles in by suggesting that the two cases are identical: one boy with long fair hair, bright blue eyes and pleasing features with a friend of different appearance posed with a wild animal between them.

Thus begins the hunt for the Wolf who has killed these innocents. It takes them to the forests around Oslo, to huts hidden out of sight concealing vital clues to their manner of death. They meet eccentric old men, inmates of an insane asylum, uncover reasons behind a car crash which seemed to provide a solid lead, and a twelve year old girl brought up in the wild by her Grandfather who is well-versed in country ways. Through it all Mia gives of her best, helped by a psychological profiler from Sweden recommended by Kripos, the Swedish police, who helped on the Swedish murders.

Will he be found before another angelic boy and his friend fall victim to the Wolf? Will Mia discover the whereabouts of her errant twin? These and other questions will be answered as the reader follows the team`s highs, lows, red herrings, mistaken leads and dead ends with plenty of action throughout.

Another great offering from a Scandinavian author. More, please, Samuel Bjork!

5 Stars

Reviewed by Liz.

Thank you to Random Things tours for including us. Check out the banner below to follow the other stops on the tour.

About the Author

Samuel Bjork is the pen name of Norwegian novelist, playwright and singer/songwriter Frode Sander Øien. The Munch and Krüger series features three books: the Richard & Judy Bookclub bestseller I'm Travelling Alone, The Owl Always Hunts At Night and The Boy in the Headlights.