04 May 2022

Review of The Octopus Man by Jasper Gibson


I am delighted to be taking part in the blog tour for The Octopus Man today. I received a copy of this book to review.

Tom hears voices. In fact, he hears the voice of Malamock the Octopus God, but no one else can hear him. In a short space of time, Tom has gone from being an outstanding law student to someone who has been sectioned and is in a psychiatric hospital. If he does, or says, something that the Octopus God does not agree with then the Octopus will electrocute him down one side of his body.

As things go from bad to worse, Tom agrees to participate in a drugs trial that promises to silence the Octopus God and give Tom the chance of leading a normal life again. However, no one is prepared for what happens when the Octopus God is threatened.

This book is amazing and very moving. It is in parts full of despair and heart break, but also with some hilarious incidents at the same time.

It is beautifully written, the characters come alive and you can’t help but feel sorry for Tom’s long suffering sister Tess.

This is a witty and though provoking read that I highly recommend this book.

5 stars