08 May 2022

Review of Twelve Days in May by Niamh Hargan


I am thrilled to be taking part in the Random Things blog tour today for Twelve Days in May. I received a copy of this book as part of the blog tour.

It’s the Cannes film festival and Lizzy Munro is working for the Scottish Film Board. It is a job that is not nearly as glamorous as it sounds.

Ciaran Flynn is a film director and the person everyone is talking about  - in good ways and bad. Nobody knows that Lizzy and Ciaran have a past together from when they were students together twelve years ago. However, they haven’t seen r spoken to each other since.

However, when Ciaran’s big budget movie looks like it is going to run into trouble, it seems that Lizzy is the only person who can help him out. Is she ready to put the past behind her and help Ciaran and maybe rekindle what they once shared?

This book is so good – it has a dual timeline, so you can see the way that Ciaran and Lizzy got to know each other when they were students in Bordeaux. I particularly like the way that you get to know both characters well.

I love France and go to Bordeaux most summers when I am on holiday, so the setting was a favourite for me. I also did a study abroad programme when I was at university, so I related a lot the characters.

This is such a fun, feel good book and is so well written.   I didn’t want to put it down and can’t wait to read what Niamh Hargan writes next.

5 stars