15 May 2022

Review of The Way From Here by Jane Turner


I am delighted to be taking part in the Random Things blog tour for The Way From Here. I received a copy of this book as part of the blog tour.

It’s 2011 and Kate is dropping her youngest daughter off at Durham University . When she arrives back to an empty house because her husband is away working in London, it really hits her that she hasn’t done anything for herself in years, she has just been concentrating on her family.

As a result, Kate decides to join the local rowing team. She hasn’t rowed since she was at University and it is a real shock to her body after the first session. She meets Beth and the two soon strike up a close friendship, but some of the other ladies on the team are not so friendly and seem to think that Kate is too old to join them.

This is an uplifting book about a group of women in their fifties who are doing things for themselves. There is a lot of focus on rowing in the book and I found this interesting, as it is a sport that I don’t know much about.

I really enjoyed reading this book and following Kate’s journey to re-discover herself. The women are very easy to relate to and I felt that it shows you that it is never too late to begin something new.

4 stars