22 June 2022

Review of Tell Me the Truth About Love by Susanna Abse


I am delighted to be taking part in the blog tour for Tell Me the Truth About Love by Susanna Abse. I received a copy of this book as part of the blog tour.

Tell Me the Truth About Love is a study of over thirty years of Abse’s work with couples. Inside the book she has taken thirteen case studies and explained the relationships in more detail.

This book covers subjects including why people argue, why do people seem to choose the same type of partner, how do relationships link back to childhood experiences and how relationships shape the parents that we become among others.

This is a fascinating book and I particularly like structure, which is divided into short chapters and makes it easy to dip in an out of.

I think that this is such a useful book for whatever type of relationship situation you are in. It is very easy to read and the way in which it is written is relatable – you end up feeling like you are there with Susanna and the couples.

I highly recommend this and I also thought that the cover of this book is lovely.