06 June 2022

Review of War babies by Rachel Billington

 I am delighted to be taking part in the Random Things blog tour for War Babies today. I received a copy of this book as part of the blog tour.

War Babies begins with a dramatic prologue – two women are lying unconscious in a room. One awakes and calls 999, but the other does not. Who are they and what has led to this?

The book then jumps back to the end of the second world war when three sisters, Millie, Di and Cleo, are reunited with their father who has been absent for most of their young lives.

What follows is the lives of the sisters – you realise quite quickly that their mother is far more concerned with her career as an MP than he is in raising her daughters. Their father is also more focused on his career and largely absent from their lives.

I really enjoyed the way that this book is told from the alternative views of the three sisters – it felt like you could get to know each one quite well. The structure also made it quite addictive to read as each chapter is short and I kept thinking that I would read just one more.

This is a great book that reads like a saga and covers a bit of everything – love, loss, marriage, war and the dynamic of families.

I am looking forward to reading more books by this author. I also love the colours on this cover.

4 stars