14 October 2022

Review of The Almanac - A Seasonal Guide to 2023 by Lia Leendertz


Today I am taking part in the random things blog tour for The Almanac - A Seasonal Guide to 2023 by Lia Leendertz . I received a copy of this book as part of the tour.

I was keen to take part in this tour and read this book, as I would like to learn more about the seasons.

This is a beautiful book. It is divided into the twelve months of the year. 

Each month begins with an overview of the month, a guide to the solar system and the sky at night. It has information about nature, the moon and tides. I felt like it was a really good way to feel more in touch with the seasons.

I loved reading this. My favourite part was the seasonal recipes from around the world that are featured for each month.

This is a book that I will be dipping in and out of all year, it was a joy to read. I’m hoping to pick up some gardening tips too, as there is a feature for the best gardening and planting times every month.

Highly recommended and I think the cover is beautiful.