19 October 2022

Review of The Grove by Ben Dark


I’m taking part in the Random Things blog tour for The Grove: A Nature Odyssey in 19 1/2 Front Gardens by Ben Dark. I received a copy of this book as part of the tour.

The Grove looks at 20 plants commonly found in urban gardens. Among these was my favourite, wisteria. I enjoyed reading about how these plants came to be so popular and their origins.

This is a really interesting book that is beautifully written. Each chapter concentrates on a different type of plant, but also goes into the history of a road called The Grove. The author explain how each front garden tells us a bit about the inhabitants overtime - perhaps hinting at their personalities or aspirations.

I loved the historical elements of this book and the background stories. My favourite part was reading more about Vita Sackville-West and Knole.

I think this cover is absolutely beautiful. I highly recommend this book, especially for those interested in gardening and plants.

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