04 November 2022

Review of Bad Apples by Will Dean


Rarely have I opened a book and felt compelled to finish it in one sitting as I found when I started reading Bad Apples! Will Dean`s ability create a unique central character in crime reporter Tuva Woodyson, a gritty heroine with a past who does not allow circumstances to get her down, least of all her deafness, is insightful and exciting.

As a newly appointed senior reporter on the local paper for which she has worked in the past, she investigates the murder and decapitation of a local plumber deep in the wild forest near Visberg, a remote and mysterious mountain- top town which has its own customs surrounding Halloween and is unwelcoming to strangers.

She has help in uncovering layers of evil and deceit in the town from her law enforcement friends but puts herself in mortal danger in the meantime. Her adventures are breathtaking.

Will Dean writing is atmospheric and gripping, full of tension, gore and chilling characters. The reader is with Tuva at every turn, urging her on or wanting her to stop when circumstances become seemingly unsupportable.

I am looking forward to reading previous books in the series. Thank you, Will Dean – you have enlisted a new fan!

5 stars

Reviewed by Liz