07 November 2022

Review of Jacqueline in Paris by Ann Mah



I am thrilled to be taking part in the Random Things blog tour g fry or Jacqueline in Paris. I received a digital copy of this book as part of the tour.

Paris is one of my favourite cities and I love reading books set there, so I was really keen to read this.

The novel follows Jacqueline Bouvier as she arrives for a study abroad programme in France in 1948. She heads to Grenoble first and then onto Paris where her mother has found her a room with a widowed Comtesse and her family who have fallen on harder times.

Jacqueline knows that this year is her one chance to escape the confines of her mother and the expectations of society, but little does she know that the more liberal Parisian salon will change her outlook forever. 

In Paris, Jacqueline embraces a different life and soon falls for a man, an artist, whom her mother would certainly not approve of. She also learns of a darker side of Paris too with the effects of war and the occupation still not far from the surface.

This is a fictional account of Jacqueline’s time in Paris, but it was fascinating to read and I will certainly be looking out for more books by this author.

This book is beautifully written and post war Paris is vividly brought to life. The author also weaves in the political themes of the era and how they may have had an impact on Jacqueline.