08 November 2022

Review of Thirteen Ways to Smell a Tree by David George Haskell


Today I am taking part in the blog tour for Thirteen Ways to Smell a Tree. I received a copy of this book as part of the tour.

Even though I live in the countryside, I am not very good at identifying trees other than grit trees, so I thought this book looked interesting.

This is a really interesting book that talks about our connection with trees in everyday life and how the smell of a tree can transport you somewhere else.

It is divided into thirteen chapters, each one focussing in a different tree. I liked that the they give the history of the tree and in some cases how they ended up growing in Europe or the US.

I also liked the size of this book. It is slightly smaller than a standard paperback and is great to dip in and out of.

I really enjoyed this book. It is more than just about trees and is focussed on our connection with them and the role they play in our everyday lives.