28 March 2023

Review of Forgotten Women by Zing Tseng


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Today I am taking part in the Random Things blog tour for Forgotten Women by Zing Tsjeng.

Forgotten Women is an absolutely stunning book that tells the stories of 190 women who have shaped history, but have sadly been forgotten over time.

I liked the structure of this book, it splits the stories of the women by type - such as Revolutionaries, Mavericks and World Changers. Each woman has a short section describing their achievements. 

This is an amazing book. I am a bit ashamed to say that I hadn’t heard of most of the women featured in this book and it was such a huge eye opener to read about them and their achievements.

There are so many women that I would like to read about in more detail. I really enjoyed this book, it’s definitely one of my favourite non fiction reads of the year so far.