28 March 2023

Review of God of Fire by Helen Steadman


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I’m thrilled to be taking part in the Random Things blog tour for God of Fire by Helen Steadman today.

God of Fire is the retelling of the Greek myth of Hephaestus, who was cast out by his mother Hera who thought him ugly and raised under the sea by the sea witch Thetis. 

Hephaestus decides that he wants to go back to Mount Olympus and find his parents and take his place among the other gods. As a god of fire and a blacksmith, he begins making creations for everyone there.

Unfortunately for Heph, he soon begins an unhappy arranged marriage to Aphrodite and soon it seems as if the cycle of rejection is about to begin all over again.

This is a fantastic read that brings to life one of the lesser known Greek gods. It has a lot of funny moments, but also tackles some very dark and serious issues too. I also liked the way in which many of the other gods form part of the story too.

I am enjoying reading Greek myths and retellings at the moment and this is the first one that I have read about Hephaestus.

This is the first book I have read by Helen Steadman and I will definitely be looking out for more. Highly recommended.