02 April 2023

Review of The Walled Garden by Sarah Hardy


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Today I am taking part in the Random Things blog tour for The Walled Garden by Sarah Hardy.

World War Two fiction is one of my favourite genres, so I was really keen to reward this book which is set a year after the war has ended in 1946.

In the village of Oakbourne in the Suffolk countryside, the men have returned from war and everyone wants to go back to the way life was before. However, the scars of war run deep and everyone is affected in different ways.

When Stephen returns to Alice at Oakbourne Hall he seems to be so changed that he is like a different person. Alice is determined to restore their marriage, but feels increasingly lonely and scared of her husband. As a result, she throws herself into gardening and in restoring the once glorious walled garden. 

However, as she progresses and breathes life back into the garden, she finds herself embarking on her own forbidden live.

Can time heal the scars or has life changed forever for the residents of Oakbourne?

This is a beautifully written book and is an amazing debut novel. I will definitely be looking out for more books from this author.