17 April 2023

Review of Chai Time at Cinnamon Gardens by Shankari Chandran

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Today I am taking part in the Random Things blog tour for Chai Time at Cinnamon Gardens by Shankari Chandran. I received a copy of this book as part of the tour.

Cinnamon Gardens is a nursing home in a suburb called Westgrove in Sydney. The residents have all had fascinating lives and they have so many stories to tell. Cinnamon Gardens with its bustling kitchen and beautiful garden has become a sanctuary for their twilight years.

Cinnamon Gardens is run by Anji and was restored by her parents who were from Sri Lanka. Anji and her husband Nathan are now looking after the residents, each with tales that take you back to their lives.

This story has a darker side too and switches between Cinnamon Gardens and Sri Lanka. It tackles prejudice and racism as the residents recount their memories and things that have happened to them.

Chai Time at Cinnamon Gardens is a beautifully written book that is about family and the role of community, but also goes deeper addressing prejudices and how storytelling influences us.

I enjoyed this book and loved the descriptions of the nursing home. It tackles some very serious issues.

I also think that the cover is beautiful!

You can follow the blog tour here: