13 April 2023

Review of Maybe Next Time by Cesca Major


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I am thrilled to be taking part in the Random Things blog tour for Maybe Next Time by Cesca Major. I received a copy of this book as part of the tour.

Emma is having a terrible day, literally everything has gone wrong and it’s not even over yet. However, by the end of this day the worst thing will have happened and the love of her life will be dead.

The next day Emma wakes up unable to believe what has happened, but then she realises it hasn’t happened yet and it is the day before all over again. How is this even possible?

As Emma goes through the same day again, she wonders if this means that she can change the past. 

Then it happens again and days after day, Emma wakes up to the same date. Can she makes things different and change the ending of their live story?

I loved this book and could not put it down. It’s a heart wrenching story that will take you on an emotional rollercoaster, but has some very funny moments too.

I felt like Emma was such a relatable character - she is juggling everything and trying to do the best for everyone all of the time, but she has forgotten what she needs to do for herself. I also really liked the inclusion of the letters from Dan to Emma, as it makes you feel like you get to know Dan’s character well.

This is easily one of my favourite books of the year. I highly recommend it, but have some tissues ready too.


Thank you to Random Things Tours for including me on the tour. Check out the other stops on the tour below: