11 April 2023

Review of Wedded Wife by Rachel Lennon


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Today is my stop on the blog tour for Wedded Wife by Rachel Lennon. I received a copy of this book as part of the tour.

Wedded Wife is a feminist history of marriage and it makes a very interesting read. Beginning with how marriage, and its prescription, has changed  over centuries.

From a business arrangement between the upper classes to marriage pacts back in the Roman era, this book gives a fresh take on marriage. It also examines the role of marriage over time and how expectations have changed right up to what we see as normal today.

I found it really interesting to read about how proposals and expectations have changed, especially during the 20th century. We often associate diamonds with engagement rings, but this is a new phenomenon and I was fascinated to read how this came from a marketing drive in the late 1940s.

I enjoyed reading this book and will look about for more from this author.

Thank you to Random Things tours for sending me a copy to review.

You can follow the blog tour here: