02 April 2023

Review of More Numbers Every Day by Micael Dahlen & Helge Thorbjornsen


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Today I am taking part in the Random Things blog tour for More Numbers Everyday by Micael Dahlen and Helge Thorbjornsen.

Despite the fact that I seem to have a phobia of maths, the synopsis of this book really resonated with me particularly that we are defined by numbers every day. It really got me thinking that this is true - I am constantly thinking of everything as an amount. Did I walk enough steps, eat too many calories and have I even read as many chapters as I wanted to.

This is a really interesting book that shows how numbers are influencing us every day without us even noticing.

The book starts with a history of numbers going back thousands of years through to a modern day look at the effect numbers have on us today.

Overall, this is a thought provoking book that I enjoyed reading.