10 April 2023

Review of No Place to Hide by JS Monroe



Today, I am taking part in the blog tour for No Place to Hide by JS Monroe. I received a copy of this book as part of the tour.

Adam’s life is seemingly perfect, he has a happy marriage, a young family and a successful career as a Doctor. However, Adam is hiding a secret that is affecting everything he does - he is sure that he is being watched.

Adam is convinced that cameras everywhere are watching and recording his every move and it’s not a new paranoia. The origin of Adam’s fear stretches back 24 years to a drunken university party that ended in tragedy.

Only two other people really know what happened that night and Adam hasn’t seen them for over two decades. However when one of them, beautiful Clio bumps into Adam it seems a strange coincidence. 

Suddenly the past and present seem destined to collide with consequences that will affect Adam and all those he loves.

The book switches back between present day and the late 1990s when Adam was at university. I really liked this as you feel like you get to see behind the scenes.

This is an amazing book that I could not put down. It is a creepy and sinister read that will have you looking over your shoulder, but is addictive to read and try to unravel the events that have led up to this situation.

I cannot wait to read more books by this author.

I also love the colours on this cover!


Thank you so much Sophie at Ransom PR for including me on the tour.

Check out the other stops on the blog tour: