21 April 2023

Review of Wartime for the Chocolate Girls by Annie Murray


Today is my stop on the Random Things blog tour for Wartime for the Chocolate Girls by Annie Murray. I received a copy of this book as part of the tour.

It’s April 1941 and Ann Gilby is celebrating Easter week with her family. After being injured in a bomb blast whilst working for the Women’s Volunteer Service, family is the most important thing for Ann.

She is also delighted to be reunited with her daughter Sheila who is back home and everything feels more settled. That is until her husband Len turns up one day with Marianne, the woman he has been having an affair and fathered another child with.

Ann knows the situation that Marianne is in is not all of her own doing, but she is shocked when Len brings them together. Before long it becomes evident that Marisnne is hiding something from her past, but Ann also has secrets which threaten to come to the surface too.

I really enjoyed reading this book and just felt so absorbed by the characters and storyline, it is like you know them. I loved the chocolate element too!

This is the fourth book in the series, but it reads well as a stand-alone novel too.

Highly recommended.

4 stars

You can follow the blog tour at the stops below: