01 August 2023

Review of The Black Crescent by Jane Johnson


Today is my stop on the Ransom PR blog tour for The Black Crescent by Jane Johnson.

Hamou Badi is born in the mountains of Morocco and on his hand is the magical symbol of the zouhry. The zouhry is legendary in Morocco and is a figure who is said to be able to find any kind of treasure.

However, young Hamou’s life is altered when instead of treasure he discovers a body.

It sets inside him a desire to bring justice to the world and he is unexpectedly given an education at a French school by his cousins family.

After school, he joins the French police training as an officer is Casablanca. However, he is torn between two world as the nationalist uprising takes hold and Hamou will be forced to choose between those he loves and the path his life has taken him on.

This is an addictive and atmospheric read that transports the reader back in time to Morrocco in the 1950s. 

I found I could not stop reading and stayed up late into the night desperate to find out what would happen in this dark and magical novel.


Thank you to Ransom PR for including me. Check out the banner below to follow the other stops on the tour.