30 August 2023

Review of The Trap by Catherine Ryan Howard


Lucy`s sister Nicki has been missing for a year as have three more young women, whirled away to the mountains of Wicklow in Ireland. No amount of searching or public appeals have brought any clues to the mystery of their disappearances. Lucy has determined that she will pose as bait to lure the monster who has taken and possibly killed Nicki. Each night she starts at the spot where Nicki was taken and pretends to be lost on a country road after a good night out, a little the worse for wear.

It transpires that more than one girl has disappeared in the last few years. Lucy tries to carry on with life, trying to assume that Nicki won`t come back therefore selling the house they inherited and starting up a café business in town. Strongly suspecting the culprit is Roland, whose wife is presumed to have been murdered by him although he has been cleared of the crime, Lucy is drawn to notorious investigative journalist Jack Keane, who wants to put her on national television. 

This does not go the way that he had hoped as Lucy oversteps the mark. The interview does, however, start the ball rolling towards a startling and twisted denouement!

I enjoyed the book very much for its clever and heartrending portrayal of grief, despair and determination. 

Catherine Ryan Howard grips the reader in Lucy and other`s devastation at the sudden loss of a loved one and their resolve or resignation in the face of catastrophe. 

Highly recommended read.

5. Stars

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