17 October 2023

Review of Celebrations for the Woolworths Girls by Elaine Everest



Today is my stop on the blog tour for Celebrations for the Woolworths Girls by Elaine Everest.

The book follows the lives of the employees of the Woolworths store in Erith and their families. It’s February 1952 and the nation is shocked by the death of King George VI. As they continue with their jobs, there have been lots of changes since the last book.

Sarah has a new manager who seems to be determined to make her life difficult. Freda is expecting her second child and Ruby is shocked her her friend Vera confides in her and asks for her help in a secret and very sensitive issue.

As coronation day draws closer there will be many things they have to overcome, but family and friendship always stays at the heart.

It was interesting to read the historical context here too and that the shops started stocking TVs for the first time due to the demand in people wanting to watch the Queen’s coronation. 

It was great to be reunited with the characters in this series and to see how their lives have changed.

 I really enjoy reading Elaine Everest’s books and would recommend to anyone who enjoys a saga. 

Thank you to Chloe at Panmacmillan for including me on the tour. Check out the banner below to follow the other stops on the tour.