03 October 2023

Review of The Good Part by Sophie Cousens


I am thrilled to be taking part in the blog tour for The Good Part by Sophie Cousens today.

Lucy Young is 26 and trying to make ends meet in London. She’s trying to make her way up the career ladder in the world of tv production, but only seems to get a different job title and never a much needed salary increase.

She is tired of the dating scene, of living in a flat share with a leaking ceiling and of never being able to afford a night out with her friends. She wants this part of her life to be over and the good part to finally start.

It seems like wishful thinking, but when Lucy stumbled upon a wishing machine she asks to be in the good part of her own future.

When she wakes up the next day in bed with a  handsome man in a very nice house, she thinks maybe she drunk a bit more than she thought the night before. However, she has actually just woken up as her 42 year old self complete with two children and a successful career as a Production Executive.

After the initial shock, Lucy starts to enjoy the part of her life, but missing 16 years is a big gap. Is it enough to stay in this new version or does she want to go back to the past after all.

This was a fun read that I sailed through. I will look out for more books by this author.

Thank you to Alainna at Hodder Books for including me. Check out the banner below to follow the other stops on the tour.