20 October 2023

Review of The Island by Catherine Cooper


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I am really excited to be taking part in the Random Things blog tour for The Island by Catherine Cooper today.

When a select group of influencers are invited to a brand new luxury resort in the Maldives it seems like the press trip of a lifetime.

They go diving and to see turtles and are surrounded by pure luxury. However, a storm cuts off the island and then people begin dying . It’s more than a coincidence and it seems like a murderer is on the loose too.

As they narrow down who it might be, everyone is under suspicion. What are they hiding and are they prepared to kill for it?

You get the feeling straight away that everyone is hiding something and not quite the person they are pretending to be. I loved the way that the book switches between 1990 and present day.

I really enjoyed this book and reading this on a rainy October day made me want to book a holiday to a sunny island (without the Murders!). Catherine Cooper is quickly becoming one of my favourite authors.

Thank you to Random Things Tours for including me on the tour. Check out the banner below to follow the other stops on the tour.