20 June 2024

Review of The Guernsey Girls Go to War by Mary Wood



Today is my stop on the blog tour for The Guernsey Girls go to War by Mary Wood.

I am a big fan of Mary Wood’s books and was looking forward to being reunited with these characters.

Olivia is in Guernsey with her family, but finds herself without her husband and son when the island is invaded.

In London, Annie is devastated when her husband Ricky leaves to fight in the war, but she is determined to stay strong. However, there are problems brewing much closer to home that she has to deal with.

As the war intensifies, how can Olivia manage now that Guernsey has been taken over and Annie must help her family at the same time as the blitz rains down on London.

Mary Wood is a fantastic writer and brings these characters so vividly to life, it was great to read about Olivia and Annie again.

I would highly recommend this for fans of historical and WWII fiction.

Thank you to PanMacmillan for including me on the tour. Check out the banner to follow the other stops on the tour.