21 June 2024

Review of The Sun over the Mountains by Suzie Fletcher


Today is my stop on the blog tour for The Sun over the Mountains by Suzie Fletcher.

I really enjoy reading memoirs and looked forward to finding out more about the life of Suzie Fletcher who is part of the tv series The Repair Shop.

As someone who was horse obsessed growing up, I related to Suzie’s early life with her pony and going to local shows. It was a joy to read this part and her day to day going’s on with her pony.

Suzie became a master saddler (another part I found very interesting) and went on to live in  Colorado before coming back to the UK where she has starred in The Repair Shop. 

This was a fascinating read  that I couldn’t put down and I would recommend for anyone who is a fan of memoirs.

Five stars

Thank you to Random Things Tours for including me. Check out the banner below to follow the other stops on the tour.