11 June 2024

The Crossodile Blog Tour: Guest Post by Ella Okstad


Today is our stop on the Kaleidoscopic Tours blog tour for The Crossodile by Rachel Morrisroe and Ella Okstad. 

My son was so excited when this book arrived that I have been reading it to him every evening. It's such a great story.

I am thrilled to be sharing a guest post by Ella Okstad as my stop on the tour.

What do you like best about writing children's books?

 Books are such an important part of childhood. Being read to, reading your very first book all on

your own, looking at illustrations in picture books and make them come alive with imagination. We

need silly stories, adventure stories, sad stories, exiting stories sprinkled with magic to learn

about ourselves and the world. I have always been fascinated with how illustrations in picture

books works. They add a new dimension to the text that take twists and turns and lifts the story.

They also make you want to pause and talk about what you see along the way. Picture books are

great conversation starters.


I have been drawing from the very moment I was able to pick up a pencil as a child. Once I found

out that it could actually be a career path, it was no turing back. It has now been my job for over 20

years. I feel very privileged to get to work with so many great authors and publishing people.

I love working with Rachel and her absolutely fantastic rhyming stories; The Drama Llama, The

Truth about Yeticorns and If you See a Crossodile. The way they all deal with different emotions in

a fun and engaging way is just brilliant.


Illustrating picture books is a long process with many stages. Each stage has its own pace, some

runs smoothly and some makes me want to scream and tear my hair out. Walking the dog or

washing dishes often helps. One of the best things about this job is when I sit down at my desk and

dive into a story from one of my authors for the first time. Then the characters slowly emerge from

my pencil onto a blank piece of paper and starts to live a life of their own.


What really warms my heart is when I get feedback from children and grown ups around the world

and the fact that my illustrations might become part of someones childhood memories. That makes

me love my job even more!

Thanks, Ella!

Check out the banner below to follow the other stops on the tour: