12 September 2024

Review of Heartseer: The Tale of Anise Star



Today is my stop on the blog tour for Heartseer: The Tale of Anise Star by Rowan Foxwood.

Anise has an important job - she is the only person who can see daemons and she must protect them.

When the nasty Mr Babbitt tries to banish the Daemons of White Wood, Anise sets out on a dangerous journey to try and stop him.

Her loyal dog Wolf accompanied her and they join together with a musician and Gox, but there are many obstacles in her way including a very cunning Magpie Queen and a poisonous ink monster.

Can Anise save the daemons before it is too late?

This is such a magical, spellbinding read. It’s perfect for those who like adventure and animals. We loved reading about Anise’s dog called Wolf.

Thank you to Kaleidoscopic tours for including us. Check out the banner below to follow the other stops on the tour.

About the Author

Rowan Foxwood is a Lecturer of Creative Writing, and holds a Masters in Writing for Children. Born into a family of globe-trotters, her world-wide travels as a child inspired a deep love of mythology, fairy tales and folklore that has saturated her writing. Settled now in the south of England, Rowan continues to indulge her wanderlust whenever possible, seeking out new myths and legends wherever she goes. She can be easily ensnared with the promise of books, cats and a nice cup of tea. Heart-Seer: The Tale of Anise Star is her first book for children.